How To Add HTML Links To Standard Prestashop E-Mail Messages
Standard Prestashop order messages section settings do not allow us creating messages which would contain HTML links with clickable anchor texts. But if you want that feature there is still a workaround which you can use to add HTML links to your e-mail messages.
To do this it is necessary to override the method AdminOrderController.php PostProcess as follows:
$customer_message->message = htmlentities(Tools::getValue('message'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
Change to
$customer_message->message = Tools::getValue('message');
Standard Prestashop order messages section settings do not allow us creating messages which would contain HTML links with clickable anchor texts. But if you want that feature there is still a workaround which you can use to add HTML links to your e-mail messages.
To do this it is necessary to override the method AdminOrderController.php PostProcess as follows:
$customer_message->message = htmlentities(Tools::getValue('message'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
Change to
$customer_message->message = Tools::getValue('message');